The Borkoshavski Academy: Igniting the Potential of Future Superhumans...
The Borkoshavski Academy is the premiere school of its kind, dedicated to act as a center of education, as well as shelter/place-of-resident for super-powered indivduals. Using nationally recognized methods of education, a staff consisting entirely of retired superheroes and masters in their field, TBA aims to give all superpowered individuals the tools they need to reach for the stars.
Prospective student? Send in your application here, and we'll be able to get back to you about your acceptance before the sunrise.
Our Mission
Unlike other super-powered academia's we've inspired, the Borkoshavski Academy aims to not only educate young superhumans on their potential, while also giving them an accepting and friendly place to learn basic curriculum (albeit, at an advanced level), we hope to foster a community of acceptance and found family. With a multitude of not only residential-life acivities, but a small town just outside campus (Sugardale, Vermont). Though occasionally treated like a tourist trap, Sugardale is meant to be the number one home for adult superheroes in America.
Fun fact! Though we still use the American twelve-grade system, our grades are ranked on skill level, opposed to age minimums!
Residential Life
A major part of life at the Borkoshavski Academy is the residential experience. Your classmates are not just your classmates, but your neighbors, even your family! Because TBA is such an open and accepting community, our dormitories are transgender-inclusive. Just include your gender identity in your application. You can always change it after the fact, too :] (Opal's note: Respect. We love you, Dr. Bork Bork!) Our, admittedly lenient, res-life staff is put in place to not only ensure that all standard dormitory rules are being followed, but to also make sure all student's needs are being met, and to act as guiding mentors while students make some of the best memories of their lives.
Interview With Student

Dr. Borkoshavski's son, Icarus Borkoshavski, caught up with freshmen, Rowan Leiberman. Rowan, a student here for five years now, possess the ability to transform into a spider. He had this to say:
How would you say being a student at the Borkoshavski Academy has impacted you?
It's changed my life. Genuinely. The people I've met, the stuff I've learned- not only about my powers, but about myself... hell, even on an academic level, it's just- Man, I love it.
Do you like your roommate?
Uh... I'm probably not the best person to ask that. He was expelled, and, like, on his last day here he took a massive [EXPLETIVE] in our bathroom and clogged it. We didn't really talk much besides that, though. Mitchell, if you see this, I love you, bro.
How would you say living in the Borkoshavski Academy is different from living in the outside world?
I love it. I love it so much, dude. Me and my Dad had to move around three times just because there'd be, I don't know, something that triggered my powers. And, of course, you can't really just hide turning into a spider, like that. You can't do that. But here, I'm free. I mean, it's a little embarrassing, but there's a guy here who literally half fish. And it's not even the right halves. There's another guy who can only walk through some walls. And he doesn't even know which. There's just straight up a dog in my pottery class.
What types of friends have you met at the Borkoshavski Academy?
Oh, the best ones. I mean, obviously there's Ashley, my girlfriend. Is she going to be seeing this?
Hi, Ashley! But yeah, you, Ashley, Daphne, Irie, all them... I don't have any friends in my grade, though.
(Probably cause your grade sucks...)
But besides that, I have a good friend named Signis. I like Signis. He's Ignis' kid.
And can you show us you transforming into a spider?
Uh... No...
Wait... Why Not?
I can't... I can't really do it on command, it's just when I'm nervous, or--
(Oh, Oh, I'm sorry, man--)
Or, uh, aroused. It's actually... kind of [EXPLETIVE] awful.
(Oh, man, uh... sorry.)
Yeah, no, it's... it's really fucking awful, dude. I hate it.
(Yeah, I mean, I can see why, that's-- Oh my god, I'm sorry. I legitimately sorry, man.)
It's fine, I guess, you just didn't- you just didn't know.
(I guess that explains why I've never actually seen you turn into a spi-)
You did.
I said, like, you did, though. It was that one time I was sleeping over at your place, and you didn't know it was me. You tried to whap me with a magezine.
(Oh, holy [EXPLETIVE], dude, I'm- I'm sorry, I mean, you should've told me, but-)
(But I'm sorry, man. I genuinely didn't know.)
It's alright.
Wait, so when we were sleeping over, were you, like, aroused, or-
No, I- I had a nightmare.
(Oh. Damn.)